FOR YOU.....

Before I knew she was gone.
Before I knew she didn't even have the time
to explain to me.
To explain why she was leaving me.
She left me all alone.
She didn't care, she didn't even dare to come around.

I did not understand what the price would be.
If only she was here....
If only she was near....
I was so fool for falling in love with her.
So fool for being a big joke for her!!

I just looked around one day
and she was gone.
I looked around one day

but she wasnt there she left me here all alone.

She didn't even dare to come close from fear.
Oh my GOD this nightmare can't be real......

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3 Σχόλια

  1. This is a sad story. When somebody goes away, you will need to talk to this person. You always need a conversation and showing her that it isn't the end.
    Love is a difficult feeling and sometimes has a high price.

    Have you got twitter? I think that I have found yours :)


  2. Hi! I have mentioned you on twitter :)
    My twitter is @anddmartinez
    Kisses, with love.!/anddmartinez
